Wednesday, August 4, 2010

CPT & Mrs. Portis ROCK! Or....I can be "bought" with Scotch

Having a great time in Colorado Springs with 4th BDE, 4th ID and 3-61 CAV.  Went to dinner tonight with 3-61 CAV Commander & his wife, LTC & Mrs. Brown as well as the CPT & Mrs. Portis.

CPT & Mrs. Portis

CPT Portis is officially in the running for my FAVORITE Soldier of the year cuz they brought me this:

Thank you SO much for your incredibly kind gesture.

Hey Bob Connolly - having a grand time.  Wish you were here!  :)


  1. I'll take my over rocks, please.

    It was a nice gift, though.

  2. Pull up a chair buddy. I'd share this with you!

  3. Yes, you have fallen in with the finest in CAV there! They are simply outstanding people there! Wish I could be there again.....


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