Monday, February 7, 2011

Italy - Tuesday Night Dinner Out With, Mostly, Some of The Chosen Few

Ranger Iles, my "landlord" for most of my time in Italy, lives outside of Vicenza in a lovely village.  I enjoyed hours of sitting outside listening to church bells, a running water source, neighbors calling out to each other and a myriad of peaceful sounds.  All of this while either drinking morning coffee or enjoying an evening glass of wine and/or scotch. 

This particular night my evil landlord, Ranger Iles, and I were enjoying some wine and shots of honey grappa.  Just relaxing and letting the world go by.  And then......the party started.  Vega and Zeamer, their ladies, Diaz, Whitney, Remmel and Ranger Iles' lovely lady arrived.  We lit a fire in the fire pit, drank some more wine and shared tons of laughs.

Then it was off to dinner:

I'm not really sure what Zeamer (head of table) and Diaz (standing to the left) are doing but I AM sure that whatever it was it was entertaining.

While the guys were doing their darn best to order in Italian it turns out the owner spoke perfect English.  He finally let the cat out of the bag and it was hysterical.  He was wonderful to us.

There is no life/fun/party without Remmie!

Vega, Iles and Carlisa, me and Remmie, John Whitney, Diaz

Gotta have a "back up" in case Remmie's not around.  Love you, too Vega!

Christina and Zeamer wasn't man love Thursday

Silly kids

After a wonderful dinner and tons of great conversation and laughs a few headed back towards post and their home while I ensconced myself back on Ranger Iles' patio.  Ahhhh  I could get used to this.


  1. Glad to know about this wine party you had enjoyed with ladies company. Would love to arrange a wine party at one of LA event venues for my best buddies as have not arranged any party since a long time. Want to make it really enjoyable.


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