Tuesday, June 21, 2011

My Work Environment Is Inspiring To Me Each Day - I Am Beyond Fortunate

OK, and a wee bit cluttered with paper, too.  I rarely notice the paper.  :)

Not only do I love my job and the people with whom I work but each day I walk into the following.  How could life be any better?

It has been and continues to be a privilege to support our men and women in uniform, our Wounded Warrior, Veterans and their families.  I don't do what I do for recognition but when it comes my way like the treasures you see in these photos it means more than there are words to express.  Thank you all for your sacrifices and your love.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, its inspirational job. I must appreciate the work environment created by you. I am impressed. In fact, Do you know that now we can use any Android based device as the player for any digital signage screen..Don't you think that its great achievement?
    Android based digital signage


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